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Hilirisasi Industri Sawit Untuk Memperkuat Perekonomian Nasional Dan Meningkatkan Posisi Tawar Indonesia Dalam Perdagangan Dunia = The Palm Oil Industry Downstreaming To Strengthen The National Economy And Enhance Indonesia's Position In World Trade

Saleh Husin; Chandra Wijaya, promotor; A. Hanief Saha Ghafur, co-promotor; T.M. Zakir Sjakur Machmud, co-promotor; Henny Saptatia Drajati Nugrahani, examiner; Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati, examiner; Muliadi Widjaja, examiner; Mohamad Dian Revindo, examiner; Muhammad Syahroni Roffi, examiner (Sekolah Kajian Stratejik Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024)


Sebagai produsen sawit terbesar di dunia, Indonesia seharusnya dapat mengendalikan perdagangan sawit pada pasar internasional. Disertasi ini membuktikan bahwa hilirisasi dapat memperkuat perekonomian nasional dengan meningkatkan nilai ekspor, menurunkan impor, menghemat devisa, sehingga menambah produk domestik bruto. hilirisasi meningkatkan produktivitas petani sawit, maupun industri pengolahan sawit, sehingga menyerap tenaga kerja lebih banyak. Hilirisasi membuat Indonesia memiliki kemampuan lebih besar dalam mengendalikan harga sawit internasional, karena industri sawit nasional tidak lagi tergantung pada ekspor. Besar kecilnya suplai sawit pada pasar internasional dikendalikan oleh Indonesia sesuai dengan besar kecilnya kebutuhan sawit di dalam negeri. Disertasi ini menyarankan strategi investasi, produksi dan ekspor serta kebijakan pengembangan hilirisasi industri sawit nasional. Pemerintah perlu memberikan insentif perpajakan untuk mengundang investasi pada produk hilir kelapa sawit pada tingkat akhir, seperti produk kosmetika, makanan kemasan, dan bahan bakar sawit. Kebijakan industri sawit dalam PP No. 74 Tahun 2022 tetap dilanjutkan dan dipercepat pelaksanaannya. Ekspor sawit perlu didukung oleh peraturan-peraturan yang lebih sederhana, serta pemberian insentif untuk ekspor produk hilir. Aktivitas bursa sawit Indonesia terus ditingkatkan sehingga pengendalian harga sawit internasional dapat berada di Indonesia.

As the world's largest palm oil producer, Indonesia is expected to exert control over the palm oil trade in the international market. This dissertation demonstrates that downstreaming can fortify the national economy by increasing export value, diminishing imports, conserving foreign exchange, and consequently contributing to the gross domestic product. Downstreaming elevates the productivity of both palm oil farmers and processing industries, thereby fostering increased employment. It grants Indonesia a more considerable capacity to influence international palm oil prices, as the national palm oil industry is no longer reliant on exports. The magnitude of the palm oil supply in the international market is governed by Indonesia in accordance with the domestic demand for palm oil. This dissertation proposes strategies for investment, production, and export, along with policies for the downstreaming development in the national palm oil industry. The government needs to provide tax incentives to attract investment in downstream palm oil products at the final stage, such as cosmetics, packaged foods, and palm oil-based fuels. The policies outlined in the palm oil industry, as per Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah) No. 74 of 2022, should persist and their implementation expedited. Palm oil exports require support through streamlined regulations and incentives for the export of downstream products. The activities of the Indonesian palm oil exchange should be intensified to maintain control over international palm oil within Indonesia.

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Subjek :
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 178 pages : illustration + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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