Tuberkulosis paru merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Berdasarkan Global TB Report 2018, Indonesia mencatat 842.000 kasus TB baru pada tahun 2017, dengan kematian akibat TB mencapai 116.400. Pemantauan Terapi Obat (PTO) adalah suatu kegiatan berkesinambungan yang bertujuan untuk memastikan terapi obat yang aman, efektif, dan rasional. PTO meliputi evaluasi pemilihan obat, dosis, cara pemberian, respons terapi, Resolusi Outcome Terapi Obat (ROTD), serta merekomendasikan perubahan terapi bila diperlukan. Di RSUD Tarakan Jakarta, PTO dilaksanakan pada pasien dengan tuberkulosis paru, diabetes melitus, dan dispepsia. Proses PTO dimulai dengan seleksi pasien berdasarkan diagnosis, obat yang diresepkan, serta lama perawatan, diikuti dengan pengumpulan data rekam medis. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan metode Hepler dan Strand. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengobatan pasien sebagian besar sudah tepat indikasi dan tidak menimbulkan interaksi obat yang merugikan. Namun, terdapat beberapa indikasi yang tidak diterapi seperti hipoalbuminemia dan anemia mikrositik, serta pemilihan antibiotik yang kurang tepat berdasarkan hasil kultur laboratorium. Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to the Global TB Report 2018, Indonesia reported 842,000 new TB cases in 2017, with TB-related deaths reaching 116,400. Drug Therapy Monitoring (DTM) is a continuous activity aimed at ensuring safe, effective, and rational drug therapy. DTM includes the evaluation of drug selection, dosage, administration method, therapeutic response, Drug Therapy Outcome (DTO), and recommending therapy modifications if necessary. At RSUD Tarakan Jakarta, DTM is conducted for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, and dyspepsia. The DTM process begins with patient selection based on diagnosis, prescribed medications, and length of treatment, followed by collecting medical record data. Analysis is carried out using the Hepler and Strand method. The results of the analysis indicate that most patient treatments were appropriate for their indications and did not result in harmful drug interactions. However, there were some untreated indications such as hypoalbuminemia and microcytic anemia, as well as suboptimal antibiotic selection based on laboratory culture results. |