Telah diketahui bahwa H.pylori adalah penyebab gastritis kronik aktif. Semakin aktif gastritis kronik, semakin besar kemungkinan adanya infeksi H.pylori. Penyebaran H.pylori pada lambung tidak merata dan karenanya biopsi sebaiknya diambil paling seqikit dari 2 tempat. Sebagian besar biopsi yang diterima Bagian Patologi Anatomik FKUljRSCM hanya dari 1 tempat di antrum. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian yang menelaah lebih lanjut hubungan antara berbagai derajat aktivitas gastritis kronik den~an keberadaan H.pylori sehingga biopsi yang hanya ,dari 1 tempat di antrum- tersebut dapat bermanfaat. Dalam penelitian ini dari 168 sediaan didapatkan 4 kasus gastritis superfisialis dan 164 gastritik atrofik. Pada 164 kasus gastritis atrofik yang terbanyak adalah gastritis atrofik aktif yaitu 152 kasus sedangkan gastritis atrofik tenang hanya 12 kasus. Gastritis atrofik aktif terdiri atas 103 kasus aktif akut dan 38 kasus di antaranya terdapat H.pylori. Keberadaan H.pylori pada gastritis atrofik aktif akut dan aktif kronik berbeda bermakna, juga pada gastritis atrofik aktif akut ringan sampai berate Hasil penelitian ini dalam hal penemuan H.pylori sama dengan hasil penelitian lain yang menggunakan lebih dari 1 biopsi. Adanya H.pylori gastritis atrofik aktif akut ringan yang disertai sebukan ringan sampai berat sel mononukleus juga berbeda bermakna. Karena itu pada gastritis kronik dengan sebukan padat sel mononukleus perlu dicari pula sel polimorfonukleus, dan jika ditemukan sel tersebut kemungkinan ada H.pylori. It has been known that H.pylori was the etiology of active chronic gastritis and the more active the gastritis, the more likely H.pylori was present. The distribution of H.pylori in the stomach was patchy and therefore at least two b~opsies were recommended. In The Anatomic Pathology Department of The Medical Faculty of The University of Indonesia/Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, most of the specimens only consisted of 1 biopsy from the antrum. Based on that reason, the aim of this study is to elaborate the relationship between variations of grades of chronic active gastritis and the presence of H.pylori from the specimen that only consisted of 1 biopsy taken from the antrum. The result of this study consisted of 4 superf~cial gastritis and 164 atrophic gastritis. In 152 from 164 atrophic gastritis showed active atrophic gastritis and 12 cases showed quiescent atrophic gastritis. In 103 from 152 cases are acute active atrophic gastritis and H.pylori was seen in 38 from 103 cases. The H.pylori's presence in acute and chronic active gastritis was statistically significant and was found in all the specimens from mild to the severe grade of acute active atrophic gastritis. The result of this study showed no difference in the p-resence of H.pylori with the result from studies using more than 1 biopsy. The presence of H.pylori was also significant in mild acute atrophic gastritis with mild upto severe infiltration of mononuclear cells. That was the reason tor a very car~ful examination to look for polimorphonuclear cells infiltration in chronic gastritis with severe mononucleus infiltration, and if there were polimorphonuclear cells, a search for H.pylori should be done. |