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Ditemukan 8255 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sri Hartoyo, author
Abstract This paper attempts to examine the impact of rising fossil fuel prices on the increasing impact on the demand of alternative fuels (biofuels), and its impact on food availability in Indonesia. An econometric model using simultaneous equations is employed. An increase in world crude oil price for 0,192 percent caused...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Kuncoro, author
Bermula dari penerbitan karya Keynes dalam suasana Depresi Besar tahun 1930-an, "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and and Money, ilmu ekonomi berangsur secara formal terbagi menjadi dua, Mikroekonomi dan Makroekonomj. Mikroekonomi mempelajari tingkah laku ekonomi manusia secara perorangan, sementara cabang Makroekonomi mempelajari besaran-besaran ekonomi agregat yang berkaitan dengan perekonomian...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmatina Awaliah Kasri, author
Abstract Indonesia is among the few countries that adopts dual banking system where Islamic banks run in parallel and compete with conventional banks. Although under such a system banking competition would be expected to be high, data tend to show the opposite case, as three Islamics banks acquired 65 percent of...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono, author
Abstract Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono, author
Abstract Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riandy Laksono, author
Abstract Economic and political systems might have a great share in determining the speed of the economic growth in an economy. Majority of the researchs in the past relied on physical input accumulation in determining economic growth, without taking into account the contribution of institutional characteristics. This research is aimed to...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Junaidi Junaidi, author
The limited number of auction agents of tuna fish and the lack of infrastructure in auction center trigger the occurrence of third parties in marketing system. The collusion on price among agents occurs in auction center, especially in harvest season. The asymmetric information of the price between agent to consumer...
[place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amiluhur Soeroso, author
The purpose of this study is to select the management zone to avoid the deterioration of environmental goods, by conducting comparative value of the economic benefits of conservation between management focused on the monument that pay attention only to the entire ecosystem of Borobudur Regions. Two hundred tourists who came...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suahasil Nazara, author
Abstract Indonesia telah membangun ekonomi lebih dari empat dekade. Pada tahun 1968, Indonesia pertama kalinya mencatat pertumbuhan double-digit setelah mengalami pergolakan politik, ekon0nu' dan sosial di pertengahan tahun 1960-an (Hill 1996: 11). Indonesia memasuki dekade 1970-an dengan fokus pada pembangunan ekonomi. Selama tiga dekade pertama, pembangunan ekonomi disusun dalam rangkaian pembanglman...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lana Soelistianingsih, author
Abstract Using co-integration, the results show that the movement of Indonesian foreign exchange market and capital market has moved to long?run equilibrium with other currencies and indices from partner countries, while the short-run equilibrium between markets have been proved by using VECM. The Indonesian case supports portfolio balance approach introduced by...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library