Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sutanto Priyo Hastono, author
Jakarta: Rajawali, 2011
614 SUT s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutanto Priyo Hastono, author
Jakarta: Rajawali, 2013
614 SUT s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Haris Isyanto, author
Pencurian identitas menjadi ancaman kejahatan di dunia maya pada masa kini, khususnya transaksi online. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, voice biometrics dikembangkan untuk keamanan identitas. Penelitian ini mengusulkan skema voice biometrics pada algoritma deep learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Residual dan CNN Depthwise Separable Convolution (DSC) dengan fitur ekstraksi \hybrid Discrete...
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Miyuki Fattah Rizki, author
Kemampuan artificial intellegence (AI) dalam bertindak secara mandiri menimbulkan ancaman tersendiri terhadap perlindungan data pribadi, salah satunya pengumpulan data biometrik oleh AI tanpa persetujuan dari Pemilik data terkait. Sementara bilamana terjadi pengumpulan data biometrik oleh AI tanpa persetujuan Pemilik merupakan tindakan yang melanggar hukum, sehingga diperlukan pertanggungjawaban atas tindakan AI...
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Rachmat, author
Jakarta: EGC, 2013
570.15 MOH b
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
The existing attendance system still has drawbacks, namely the queue in front of the finger scanner, the attendance data are not integrated with Human Resources Systems, and also the employees who work outside the office cannot get in the attendance system to roll presence. In the other hand, everyone has...
621 COMMIT 8 (1-2) 2014
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Biometrics is a method used to recognize humans based on one or a few characteristics
physical or behavioral traits that are unique such as DNA, face, fingerprints, gait, iris, palm, retina,
signature and sound. Although the facts that ear prints are found in 15% of crime scenes, ear prints
research has been very...
621 COMMIT 6 (1-2) 2012
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
This book presents an approach to postmortem human identification using dental image processing based on dental features and characteristics, and provides information on various identification systems based on dental features using image processing operations. The book also provides information on a novel human identification approach that uses Infinite Symmetric Exponential...
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library