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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Seansea: Pineridge, 1981
532.051 NUM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taylor, C., author
Swansea: Pineridge, 1981
532.051 TAY f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
The book is designed for advanced graduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers across several disciplines (e.g., mathematics, physics and engineering), as it provides them with tools and techniques that are essential in performing research on the flow problems of visco-plastic fluids. The following topics are treated; analysis of classical...
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
The book is designed for advanced graduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers across several disciplines (e.g., mathematics, physics and engineering), as it provides them with tools and techniques that are essential in performing research on the flow problems of visco-plastic fluids. The following topics are treated; analysis of classical...
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Instabilities of fluid flows and the associated transitions between different possible flow states provide a fascinating set of problems that have attracted researchers for over a hundred years. This book addresses state-of-the-art developments in numerical techniques for computational modelling of fluid instabilities and related bifurcation structures, as well as providing...
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Instabilities of fluid flows and the associated transitions between different possible flow states provide a fascinating set of problems that have attracted researchers for over a hundred years. This book addresses state-of-the-art developments in numerical techniques for computational modelling of fluid instabilities and related bifurcation structures, as well as providing...
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2018, the third volume of nine from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on...
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunzburger, Max D., author
Flow control and optimization has been an important part of experimental flow science throughout the last century. As research in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) matured, CFD codes were routinely used for the simulation of fluid flows. Subsequently, mathematicians and engineers began examining the use of CFD algorithms and codes for...
Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Katili, Irwan, author
Elemen cangkang triangular dengan 18 derajat kebebasan (dk) adalah elemen cangkang paling sederhana untuk menganalisa struktur cangkang bentuk sembarang. Elemen ini dibentuk dengan menggabungkan 2 buah elemen dasar: pelat bending untuk mengaproksimasi regangan bending pada cangkang, dan elemen tegangan bidang yang mengaproksimasi regangan membrannya. Setiap nodal mempunyai 6dk: 3 translasi...
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
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