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Ditemukan 156 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Based on the 2003 trends in International mathematics and science study, the authors find that negative associations between student employment and academic achievement are stronger in some countriesthan in others - differences likely to result from country-specific work oppurtunities and needs.......
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Outside of the International labour organization, the united states uses two main chnnels to promote labour standards internationally: bilateral or regional trade agreements and "labour diplomacy"......
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
The 18th International conference of labour statisticians was convened at the end of 2008. Its agenda featured, inter alia, the measurement of working time, child labour, decent work, labour underutilization and valunteer work......
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
A major focus of India's ongoing policy debate over labour market flexibilization has been the statutory requirement that firms employing 100 or more workers cannot dismiss employees without prior government permission. The case for repealing that requirement (or greatly increasing the workforce threshold) is notably underpinned by Basu, Fields and...
ILR 153:3 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Using data from the European Community Household Panel for six European countries (Austria, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain) for the period 1995–2001, this article investigates how disability affects workers' absenteeism. The results show that workers with disabilities are absent more often than workers without disabilities. This finding is obtained...
ILR 153:3 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Workers' committees in Israel are adapting to the neoliberal economy, and the resulting changes in the labour market, by increasingly accepting various non-standard forms of employment. At the same time, however, they are resisting this reconfiguration of the capitalist economy, in an effort to safeguard workers' rights. Torn between the...
ILR 153:3 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Using a dynamic specification of Okun's law, the authors examine the relationship between unemployment and output in Greece over the period 2000–12. While Granger causality tests indicate that real output is important to understanding future movements in unemployment, Okun's ratio is found to be 3:1, implying that a 1 per...
ILR 153:3 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Based on comprehensive regression analysis, the authors find that weak wage growth and a smaller labour share of national income significantly reduce labour productivity growth. They conclude that supply-side labour market reforms have contributed to reducing labour productivity growth: this cannot be explained by a deregulation-induced inflow of low-productivity labour...
ILR 153:3 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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