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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Young, Adam J.
Singapore: SEAS, 2007
526.7 YOU c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Young, Adam J., author
"This book explores contemporary maritime piracy in Southeast Asia, demonstrating the utility of using historical context in developing policy approaches that will address the roots of this resurgent phenomenon. The depth and breadth of historical piracy help highlight causative factors of contemporary piracy, which are immersed in the socio-cultural matrix...
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007
364.164 YOU c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carolin Liss, author
Southeast Asia and Bangladesh are at present global hot spots of pirate attacks on merchant vessels and fishing boats. This book explains why, and in what form, piracy still exists. It offers an integrated analysis of the root causes of piracy, linking declining fish stocks, organized crime networks, radical politically...
Pasir Panjang: Institue of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library