Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
In Islamic jurisprudence, a comprehensive ethic has been formulated governing how business and commerce should be run, how accountability to God and the community is to be achieved, and how banking and finance is to be arranged. This Handbook examines how well these values are translated into actual performance. It...
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
297.273 HAN
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
This double volume presents a collection of 23 papers on how institutions matter to socio-economic life. The effort was seeded by the 2015 Alberta Institutions Conference, which brought together 108 participants from 14 countries and 51 different institutions....
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
This double volume presents a collection of 23 papers on how institutions matter to socio-economic life. The effort was seeded by the 2015 Alberta Institutions Conference, which brought together 108 participants from 14 countries and 51 different institutions...
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2017
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Prihatna, author
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Syamtasiyah Ahyat, author
Dasawarsa setelah Perang Dunia II menunjukkan kemajuan teknologi yang teramat pesat dan banyak melahirkan ciptaan baru. Tidak hanya kepada penemuan peralatan dan mesin modern, tetapi juga membawa perubahan besar dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Salah satu yang menonjol di bidang sosial-ekonomi dalam masyarakat kita adalah fenomena yang disebut sebagai pasar swalayan (super...
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Laporan Penelitian Universitas Indonesia Library