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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sotriffer, Christoph., editor
Drug discovery is all about finding small molecules that interact in a desired way with larger molecules, namely proteins and other macromolecules in the human body. If the three-dimensional structures of both the small and large molecule are known, their interaction can be tested by computer simulation with a reasonable...
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Song, Seo Woo, author
This thesis demonstrates a technology that enables pipetting-free high-throughput screening (HTS) on a miniaturized platform, eliminating the need for thousands of one-by-one pipetting and conventional liquid handling systems. This platform enhances accessibility to HTS and enables HTS to be used in small-to-medium scale laboratories. In addition, it allows large-scale combinatorial...
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library