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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Story's relief is a combination of narrative and visual art which function as a communication media for people in the past. It moreover consist of social culture information , story's relief has also left tracks of the methode of an artist for framing the story in visual...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Public archeology can't be understood as a narrow-minded view point as an archaelogical research and their object's presentation and representation at the public only. However, public archeology must be understood more widely as an archaelogical view poinr for understand the public requirements and importance. These discipline have an important meaning...
Medan: Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata - Balai Arkeologi Medan,
930 BAS
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library