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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Shepherd, D. G. (Dennis G.), author
New York: Macmillan, 1956
621.406 SHE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003
R 621.406 HAN
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018
620 JTM
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
White, Frank M., author
Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd., 1979
620.106 WHI f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME 2018). The book gives an overview of recent developments in the field of thermal and fluid engineering, and covers theoretical and experimental fluid dynamics, numerical methods in heat transfer and fluid mechanics, different...
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library