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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Thilahgavani Naggappan, author
The volatile chemicals from species of wild Cinnamomum spp. (C. racemosum, C. cuspidatum, C. politum, C. javanicum), Etlingera spp. (E. pyramidosphaera, E. megalocheilos, E. coccinea, E. elatior) and Schizostachyum spp. (S. blumei, S. brachycladum, S. lima, S. pilosum) found in Sabah were investigated. The oils were obtained from the bark,...
Trengganu: UMT, 2017
500 JSSM 12:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thilahgavani Naggappan, author
The volatile chemicals from species of wild Cinnamomum spp. (C. racemosum, C. cuspidatum, C. politum, C. javanicum), Etlingera spp. (E. pyramidosphaera, E. megalocheilos, E. coccinea, E. elatior) and Schizostachyum spp. (S. blumei, S. brachycladum, S. lima, S. pilosum) found in Sabah were investigated. The oils were obtained from the bark,...
Trengganu: UMT, 2017
500 JSSM 12:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library