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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Olson, Christi A., author
Under pressure to achieve more with less, libraries need to change how they achieve goals. In networked organizations, teamwork, communication, and collaboration are the keys to getting results. Yet, few leaders have role models or tools to implement such change...
Chicago: [American Library association, American Library association], 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Goodrich, Jeanne, author
Expanding on the highly effective PLA Results Series, Goodrich and Singer offer PLA colleagues a strategic approach to the human resources (HR) function in the library. The book focuses on a variety of possible projects and how to staff them, allowing each library to decide where and how to focus...
Chicago: [American Library association, American Library association], 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library