Budi Irawanto, author
Film, Ideologi, dan militer : hegemoni militer dalam sinema Indonesia
Media Pressindo, 1999
 Buku Teks
Hayward, Susan, author
Cinema Studies : the key concepts
Routledge , 2006
 Buku Referensi
Iwa Maulana, author
Teror, film dan globalisasi: analisis kriminologis terhadap keterkaitan hegemoni Amerika Serikat atas Timur Tengah dengan representasi teror dalam lima film Hollywood: 300, True Lies, American sniper, Rules of engagement, dan The kingdom = Terror, film and globalization: criminological analysis of the interrelatedness of US hegemony over the middle east with terror representation in five Hollywood films: 300, True lies, American sniper, Rules of engagement, and The kingdom
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Bintari Yuniati Mauliana, author
Pola spasial pemilihan bioskop menurut karakteristik penggemar film = Spatial pattern of cinema choices according to the characteristic of movie buff
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Lee, Hyang-jin, author
Contemporary Korean cinema : identity culture politics /
Manchester University Press, 2000
 Buku Teks
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