Kawuryan, Megandaru W., author
Konstruksi realitas otonomi daerah dalam media massa analisis frame isu otonomi daerah di harian kompas, harian jurnal nasional, dan harian kedaulatan rakyat tahun 2012-2013 = The construction of the reality of regional autonomy in mass media frame analysis of regional autonomy issues in kompas newspaper jurnal nasional newspaper and kedaulatan rakyat newspaper in 2012 2013
 UI - Disertasi (Membership)
Baran, Stanley J., author
Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture
McGraw-Hill, 2013
 Buku Teks
Baran, Stanley J., author
Introduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture
McGraw-Hill, 2003
 Buku Teks
Baran, Stanley J.
Introduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture
McGraw-Hill , 2004
Sawqi Muttaqi, author
Praktik Media Relations Kepresidenan Dari Tokoh Media Darling (Studi Kasus Hubungan Presiden Jokowi Dengan Awak Media Massa) = Presidential Media Relations Practice From Media Darling Figure (Case Study Presidential Relationship Between Jokowi And Mass Media)
 UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
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