Franova Herdiyanto, author
Perancangan struktur data governance menggunakan panduan data management body of knowledge (DMBOK): studi kasus Kementerian Riset, Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi = Designing data governance structure using data management body of knowledge (DMBOK) guidance: case study Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
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Peltier, Thomas, author
Information security fundamentals
CRC Press, 2014
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Rothke, Ben, author
Computer security: 20 things every employee should know
McGraw-Hill, 2003
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Smith, Martin, author
Commonsense computer secuirty: your practical guide to information protection
McGraw-Hill, 1993
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Digital preservation
edited by Marilyn Deegan and Simon Tanner
Facet Publishing, 2006
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