Debbie Yournita, author
Ekspresi Protein CD133 Pada Karsinoma Payudara Invasif No Special Type: Hubungan dengan Metastasis Kelenjar Getah Bening dan Nottingham Prognostic Index = CD133 Protein Expression in Invasive Breast Carcinoma of No Special Type: Association with Lymph Node Metastasis and Nottingham Prognostic Index
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Sinaga, Romi Saut Halomoan, author
Aktifitas manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) sebagai prediktor respons terapi radiasi pada pasien karsinoma sel skuamosa serviks stadium IIIb = Manganese superoxide dismutase mnsod activity as a predictor of radiation therapy response on stage IIIb squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Danindra Andri Hidayat, author
Analisis Fitokimia dan Uji Sitotoksisitas in vitro Ekstrak Etanol Kedelai Hitam (Glycine soja L.) Sebagai Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Sel Karsinoma Kolorektal HCT-116 = Pyhtochemistry analysis and in vitro cytotoxic test of ethanolic extract of black soybean (Glycine soja L.) as growth inhibitor on HCT-116 colon carcinoma cell line
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
M. Abdul Rivai, author
Implementasi spectral clustering-self organizing map pada data microarray ekspresi gen karsinoma = Implementation of spectral clustering self organizing map on microarray data of carcinoma genes expression / M. Abdul Rivai
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Ineke Anggreani, author
Hubungan Ekspresi NF-ĸB/p65 dengan Respons Kemoterapi Neoadjuvan pada Karsinoma Payudara Invasif = Association of NF-ĸB/p65 Expression with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in Invasive Breast Carcinoma
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Tesis (Membership)