Desi Napouling, author
Pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat bagi notaris yang melakukan tindak pidana (Studi Putusan Majelis Pengawas Pusat Nomor: 18/B/MPPN/XII/2017) = Disrespectul dismissal for a notary who commits a crime (Study of Decision of the Central Supervisory Council Number:18/B/MPPN/XII/2017).
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Sarah Nurasiyah, author
Analisis pengaruh keputusan menteri atas penjatuhan sanksi pemberhentian terhadap notaris : studi kasus Putusan Majelis Pengawas Pusat Notaris No. 15/B/Mj.PPN/2009 = Analysis on the impact of ministrial decree on termination sanction imposed to the notary : study case of the Notary Central Supervisory Council Decree of 15/B/Mj.PPN/2009 / Sarah Nurasiyah
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Rani Julita, author
Pelanggaran jabatan notaris oleh seorang notaris yang tidak mempunyai sertifikat cuti tetapi meninggalkan wilayah jabatanya tanpa mengajukan permohonan cuti: studi kasus putusan majelis pengawas pusat notaris tanggal 30 September 2010 nomor: 05/B/Mj.PPN/XI/2010 = A violation of notary position by a notary who did not has a certificate of leave but leaving the district authority without leave permittion : case study of the council decision investigator notary's center dated 30th of november 2010 number 05/B/Mj.PPN/XI/2010
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Tesis (Open)
Lokapita Gusthia, author
Peran majelis pengawas daerah notaris dalam pelaksanaan pasal 66 Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris: studi kasus Putusan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Notaris nomor: 04/MPDN/Kota Bogor/III/2013 = The role of notary local supervisor council in the implementation of article 66 of Law of Notarial Position: a case study of notary local supervision council's Decision No. 04/MPDN/Kota Bogor/III/2013/Lokapita Gusthia
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Alfonsus Gustin Wibisono, author
Analisis putusan bersifat final yang dikeluarkan majelis pengawas wilayah notaris (studi kasus terhadap putusan majelis pengawas wilayah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau nomor: W33.11/MPW-KEPRI/VI/2008 tanggal 6 Juni 2008) = Analysis of majelis pengawas wilayah notary's final decision (case study of majelis pengawas wilayah in Kepulauan Riau Province number W33.11/MPW- KEPRI/VI/2008 decided on 6 June 2008) / Alfonsus Gustin Wibisono
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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