Shunk, Francis A.
Constitution of Binary Alloys, second supplement / Francis A. Shunk
McGraw-Hill, 1969
 Buku Teks
Treatise on materials science and technology : embrittlement aof engineering alloys
edited by C.L. Briant dan S.K. Banerji
Academic Press, 1983
 Buku Teks
Maylani Tiarna Riasmin, author
Pengaruh temperatur dan waktu sinter pada paduan zr-12mo diproduksi melalui metalurgi serbuk untuk aplikasi biomaterial = The effects of sintering time and temperature on zr-12mo alloys produced by powder metallurgy for biomaterial applications / Maylani Tiarna Riasmin
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Fariz Ammar Bujakesuma, author
Pengaruh variasi komposisi Cu dan Mg pada proses penuaan dan fenomena rapid hardening pada paduan Al-Cu-Mg = Effect of Cu and Mg content on aging response and rapid hardening phenomenon Al-Cu-Mg alloys
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Skripsi Open
Dondy A. Setyabudi, author
Karakterisasi fisis thin film bahan binary gallium antimoni (Gasb) dengan sistem penumbuhan evaporasi
Jurnal Ilmu & Rekayasa Material, 1 (2) Agustus 1999: 63-69, 1999
 Artikel Jurnal
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