Chusnul Mariyah, author
Urban political conflict in Australia : the redevelopment of inner Sydney
Department of Government, The University of Sydney, 1998
 Buku Teks
A Black reality : Aboriginal camps and housing in remote Australia / edited by M. Heppell
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1979
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Annissa Gabianti Anggriana, author
Penculikan anak internasional menurut hukum Indonesia dan hukum Australia : studi kasus family court of australia at sydney court order no 3121 of 13 july 2012 penetapan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia no 3/PEN/PDT/2013 tanggal 26 september 2013 = International child abduction according to Indonesian law and australian law case study on family court of Australia at sydney court order no 3121 of 13 july 2012 supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia order no3/PEN/PDT/2013 of 26 september 2013
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
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On all fronts : Australia's World War II / edited by J.T. Laird
University of Queensland Press, 1989
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Wealth, poverty and survival : Australia in the world / edited by John Langmore and David Peetz
George Allen &​ Unwin in association with the Australian Labor Party, 1983
 Buku Teks
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