Ahmad Setiadi, author
Advokasi dalam penyelesaian konflik agraria : suatu studi advokasi di Kecamatan Cipari Kabupaten Cilacap oleh Rumah Aspirasi Budiman = Advocacy in agrarian conflict resolution : a case study of advocacy in the Cipari at Cilacap district by Rumah Aspirasi Budiman
 UI - Tesis (Open)
N.V. Douglas, Chairman
The role of women in New Zealand society: laid on the table of the house of refresentatives
A.R. Shearer, 1975
 Buku Teks
Bernstein, Thomas P.
Up to the mountains and down to the villages: the transfer of youth from urban to rural china / Thomas P. Bernstein
New Haven, 1977
 Buku Teks
The need for continuing education in ethics as reported by rural and urban mental health care providers
 Artikel Jurnal
Sumlang, Felicia Yustiana, author
Analisis persepsi kualitas yang ditawarkan oleh tujuan wisata terhadap kepuasan pengunjung dan intensitas perilaku di masa depan (Studi Kasus : Kawasan Desa Wisata Ciwidey) = Analysis of preceived quality of the destination's offerings towards visitor satisfaction and behavioural future intentions (case study: tourist village of Ciwidey) / Felicia Yustiana Sumlang
 UI - Skripsi (Open)