Gonzales Halim, author
Analisis pengaruh pengelolaan modal kerja, serta efek interaksinya dengan ketersediaan arus kas, terhadap kinerja seluruh perusahaan pada sektor non keuangan yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia, pada periode 2012-2017 = Analysis of the effect of working capital management, and their interaction effects with the availability of cash flows, on the performance of all listed companies in the non-financial sector of Indonesia stock exchange, in the period of 2012-2017
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
So Yohanes Jimmy, author
Efek sumber daya headquarter dan mitra lokal terhadap pembangunan kompetensi manajer dan pengembangan kapabilitas unit subsidiari: uji komparasi manajer Indonesia dan manajer lokal di Nigeria = The effect of headquarter and local partner resources on manager competence building and business unit capability development comparative test of Indonesian and Nigerian local manager in Nigeria
 UI - Disertasi (Membership)
Aprilia Ningrum, author
Analisis pengaruh investment opportunity set debt financing profitability dan risiko terhadap dividend payout ratio uji empiris terhadap perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di bei periode 2010-2013 = Analysis of investment opportunity set debt financing profitability and risk of dividend payout ratio empirical test of listed manufacturing companies in bei period 2010-2013
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Karina Dianingsari, author
Pengaruh ukuran pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi regional di Indonesia: pengujian hipotesis hubungan non-linier = The impact of government size on regional economic growth in Indonesia testing the non linear hypothesis / Karina Dianingsari
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Modeling in the yield curves of AA and a rated corporation bonds with the nelson siegel svensson and cubic spline smooting methods
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