Gilbert Hansel, author
Tinjauan terhadap pengaturan peer to peer lending di Indonesia, Inggris, dan Amerika Serikat = Review on peer to peer lending regulation in Indonesia, United Kingdom, and United States of America
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Rabiah Al Adawiyah, author
Perancangan modul registrasi lender pada peer to peer lending platform untuk mencegah potensi pencucian uang = Design lender registration module of peer to peer lending platform to prevent potential money laundering.
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Annisa Rachmaninda, author
Penerapan prinsip kehati-hatian pada kegiatan pinjam meminjam uang berbasis teknologi informasi (peer-to-peer lending) di Indonesia = The implementation of prudential principle on loan based on information technology (peer-to-peer lending) in Indonesia
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Tesis Membership
Fahira Nabila, author
Penerapan prinsip insurable interest dan indemnity pada asuransi kredit fintech peer to peer lending = The application of insurable interest and indemnity principle in peer to peer fintech lending credit insurance.
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Musthofa Faruq, author
Mekanisme Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Macet Pada Financial Technology Berbasis Peer to Peer Lending Syariah = Bad Financing Settlement Mechanism in Financial Technology Based on Sharia Peer to Peer Lending
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis (Membership)