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Yi Kwang-su, author
Seri sastra Korea abad ke-20: Jilid 2 = 20th century Korean literature sseries: volume 2
UI-Press, 2014
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The validity of some coerced treaties in the early 20th century: a reconsideration of the japanese annexation of korea from legal perspective
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Kirana Chandra Bestari, author
Perpaduan Gaya Bangunan pada Gereja Santo Yoseph Matraman (Awal Abad ke-20) di Jakarta Timur = The Combination of Building Style of the St. Joseph Church in Matraman (Early 20th Century), East Jakarta.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Seoul International Publicity Corp 1974,
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