Alief Rizka Husniawan, author
Studi awal unjuk kerja pendingin udara pada air duct sepeda motor tipe skutik = Initial study for air cooler work on air duct motorcycle automatic scooter type
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Skripsi (Open)
Hilman Syarif, author
Pengaruh terapi akupresur terhadap mual muntah akut akibat kemoterapi pada pasien kanker; a randomized clinical trial = The effect of acupressure to acute chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting on patients with cancer; a randomized clinical trial / Hilman Syarif
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Tesis (Open)
Ninik Yunitri, author
Pengaruh Terapi Kelompok Suportif Ekspresif terhadap depresi dan kemampuan mengatasi depresi pada pasien kanker = The influence of supportive expressive group therapy for depression and patient ability to solve depression in cancer patient
 UI - Tesis (Open)
Alvin Julian Rahmat, author
Bad actor management untuk cooler pada floating, production, storage and offloading = Bad actor management for cooler on floating, production, storage and offloading
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Arti Indira, author
Terapi medik gizi pada kanker laring dengan trakeostomi dalam radioterapi = Medical nutrition therapy in larynx cancer patients with tracheostomy during radiotherapy
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Tugas Akhir
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