Ratna Choirunnisa, author
Formulasi dan karakterisasi fisik mikroemulsi gel minyak biji anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) dengan surfaktan tween 80 dan kosurfaktan gliserol dan propilenglikol = Formulation and characterisation of grape seed oil (Vitis vinifera L.) gel microemulsion with tween 80 as surfactant and glyserol and prophylene glycol as co surfactant
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Silvia, author
Pengaruh Suhu dan Konsentrasi Enzim terhadap Kadar Flavonoid Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kejibeling pada Metode Ultrasound Assisted Enzymatic - Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction = Variation of Temperature and Concentration Enzyme on Total Flavonoid Content of Kejibeling Leaf Etanol Extract on Ultrasound Assisted Enzymatic - Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction Method
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Kevin Christian Nitihardjo, author
Efek kombinasi ekstrak acalypha indica linn dan pegagan centella asiatica linn sebagai neuroterapi perbaikan neuron hipokampus tikus sprague dawley pascahipoksia = The effect of combination of acalypha indica linn and centella asiatica linn as neurotherapy for sprague dawley mouse hypocampus neuron post hipoxia
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Meita Dwi Utami, author
Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol 95 biji kapasan abelmoschus moschatus medik terhadap kualitas spermatozoa tikus putih jantan dalam penggunaannya sebagai afrodisiak = Effect of 95 ethanol extract of abelmoschus moschatus medik seeds in quality of spermatozoa white male rats as its use as aphrodisiac / Meita Dwi Utami
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Eddy Sapto Hartanto, author
Ekstraksi dan identifikasi daun adas sayur (artemisia cf. scoparia waldst. & kit.) untuk sediaan herbal
Balai Besar Industri Agro, 2020
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