Valerie Kartini, author
Gambaran Inklinasi dan Angulasi Gigi Anterior pada Pasien Maloklusi Kelas I Pasca Perawatan Ortodonti Cekat di Klinik Spesialis Ortodonti RSKGM FKG UI = Inclination and Angulation of Anterior Teeth in Class I Malocclusion Patients after Fixed Orthodontic Treatment at the Orthodontic Specialist Clinic RSKGM FKG UI
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Maria Julita Nugroho, author
GAMBARAN KEBUTUHAN PERAWATAN ORTODONTI BERDASARKAN KEPARAHAN MALOKLUSI MENGGUNAKAN DENTAL HEALTH COMPONENT (Pada Pasien di Klinik Spesialis Ortodonti RSKGMP FKG UI Tahun 2010-2014) = Descriptive of Orthodontic Treatment Need Based on Malocclusion Treatment Need Using Dental Health Component (DHC) (Study on Patients from Orthodontic Specialist Clinic of RSKGM FKG UI in 2010-2014)
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Olivia Elton Heryanto, author
Ketinggian dan ketebalan tulang alveolar simfisis mandibula sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti cekat pada maloklusi kelas III skeletal hiperdivergen: studi sefalometri lateral = Symphisis alveolar bone height and thickness before and after fixed orthodontic treatment in class III malocclusion hyperdivergent perawatan ortodonti cekat pada maloklusi kelas III skeletal hiperdivergen: a cephalometric atudy
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Almas Edita Ramadhanti, author
Kesadaran Maloklusi dan Hubungannya Terhadap Kebutuhan Perawatan Ortodonti pada Remaja = Awareness of Malocclusion and Its Relationship with Orthodontic Treatment Needs among Adolescents
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Puti Renasanti, author
Penggunaan prosedur diagnostik Ortodonti dan gambaran kasus Maloklusi yang dirawat oleh Ortodontis dan Non Ortodontis : kajian epidemiologis pada pasien perawatan alat Ortodonti cekat di SMP dan SMA Yaspen Tugu Ibu 1 Depok = Implementation of Orthodontic diagnostic procedure and Malocclusion case overview which treated by Orthodontist and Non Orthodontist : epidemiological review of fixed Orhthodontic treatment for patients in SMP and SMA Yaspen Tugu Ibu 1 Depok / Puti Renasanti
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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