Pesticide transport and transformation modeling in soil column and groundwater contamination prediction.
Artikel Jurnal
Hamka L., author
Penyuluhan tentang penggunaan Pestisida secara aman pada kegiatan pertanian di Kecamatan Baraka, Sulawesi Selatan: perbandingan tingkat efektivitas antara metode ceramah, metode dialog, dan metode diskusi kelompok = Extension on safe pesticide usage in agriculture in the subdistrict of Baraka, South Sulawesi: a comparative study on the effectiveness level of lecture, dialog, and group discussion methods
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership
Comparison of field and model percentage drift using different types of hydraulic nozzles in pesticide applications
Artikel Jurnal
Grace Lee Ern Lin, author
Entomopathogenic fungi isolated from the soil of Trengganu, Malaysia as potential bio-pesticides against the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus / Grace Lee Ern Lin, Jamilah Mohd Salim, Halim, Mohd Farid Ahmad, Wahizatul Afzan Azmi
UMT, 2017
Artikel Jurnal
Fajaria Nurcandra, author
Hubungan pajanan pestisida aerosol terhadap kelainan faal paru pada petani di Kabupaten Purworejo tahun 2016 = Assosiation of aerosol pesticide exposure to farmer lung function in Purworejo 2016 / Fajaria Nurcandra
UI - Tesis Membership