Farah Suraya, author
Pengaruh pajanan musik rock terhadap nafsu makan tikus galur Wistar = The effect of rock music exposure to the appetite of Wistar-strained rats
 UI - Skripsi Open
Pratiwi Rapih Astuti Natsir, author
Pengaruh pajanan musik klasik terhadap nafsu makan tikus galur wistar = The effect of classical music exposure on food appetite of the wistar-strained rat
Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Skripsi Open
Hendy Kristyanto, author
Pengaruh pajanan musik rock terhadap perubahan berat badan tikus galur Wistar = The influence of rock music on Wistar rat's body weight
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Skripsi Open
Efektivitas cuka apel dalam menurunkan nafsu makan tikus (Rattus Novergicus) Strain Sprague Dawley = The effectiveness apple cider vinegar as appetite suppresants in sprague dawley rats (Rattus Novergicus) / Liesta Dewi Gustiany
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Annisa Rahmah Furqaani, author
Pengaruh latihan fisik terhadap kemampuan belajar dan memori serta kadar serotonin pada hipokampus tikus (rattus norvegicus) galur wistar jantan dewasa = The effect of physical exercise on learning and memory ability and serotonin level in the hippocampus of adult male wistar rats rattus norvegicus
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership
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