Potensi ikan mujair (Sarotherodon mossambica) sebagai biokumulator pencemaran pestisida pada lingkungan pertanian [The potential of mujair fish (Sarotherodon mossambica) as bioccumulator of pesticides contamination in agricultural land]
 Artikel Jurnal
Suryawati, author
Tingkat pencemaran radioaktif thorium di udara serta potensi bahayanya bagi penduduk : studi kasus pabrik kaos lampu di Cengkareng Jakarta = level of radioactivity contamination in the air and its potential hazards to public health : a case study on Incandescent Gas Mantle Factory at Cengkareng Jakarta
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1994
 UI - Tesis Membership
Chesya Sera De Claresya, author
Mitigasi Dampak Lingkungan Akibat Tumpahan Minyak (Studi: Kegiatan Operasional Minyak Bumi PT XYZ di Lepas Pantai Lampung Timur) = Mitigation of Consequential Environmental Impacts Oil Spill (Study: PT XYZ Offshore Petroleum Operations in East Lampung Waters)
Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis Membership
Air pollution : health and environmental impacts
edited by Bhola R. Gurjar, Luisa T. Molina, Chandra S. P. Ojha ; foreword by Mario J. Molina
CRC Pres, 2010
 Buku Teks
Muhammad Faiz Fadzil, author
Oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in the waters of ramsar gazetted mangrove area, Johor
UMT, 2017
 Artikel Jurnal
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