Nijkamp, Peter, author
Multidimensional spatial data and decision analysis / Peter Nijkamp
John Wiley & Sons, 1979
 Buku Teks
Ayu Widyasari, author
Analisis penyesuaian jumlah gardu dan penggunaan sistem pembayaran elektronik terhadap antrian di gerbang tol Cililitan = Queueing analysis at Cililitan toll plazaby considering toll booth configuration and the use of electronic payment system
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis Open
Fotheringham, A. Stewart
Quantitative geography : perspectives on spatial data analysis / A. Stewart Fotheringham, Chris Brunsdon, Martin Charlton
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, 2000
 Buku Teks SO
Opan Fauzan Hamdan, author
Rasio tenaga pendidik, rasio tenaga kesehatan dan capaian pembangunan manusia di Indonesia dalam analisis spasial = Ratio of educators, ratio of health workers and achievement of human development in Indonesia within spatial analysis
Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Tesis Membership
Studies in applied geography and spatial analysis: addressing real world issues
edited by Robert Stimson and Kingsley E. Haynes
Edward Elgar, 2012
 Buku Teks
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