Anshen, Melvin
Private enterprise and public policy / Melvin Anshen, Francis D. Wormuth
Macmillan, 1954
Buku Teks
Anshen, Melvin
An introduction to business / Melvin Anshen
Macmillan, 1949
Buku Teks
Managing the socially responsible corporation / edited, Melvin Anshen
Macmillan, 1974
Buku Teks
Riant Nugroho Dwidjowijoto, author
Public private partnership as a policy dilemma
Artikel Jurnal
Private enterprise and public purpose: an understanding of the role of business in a changing social system
edited by S. Prakash Sethi and Carl L. Swanson
John Wiley & Sons, 1981
Buku Teks