Deliar Noer, author
Gerakan moderen Islam di Indonesia 1900-1942 / Deliar Noer
LP3ES, 1980
Buku Teks
Deliar Noer, author
Gerakan moderen Islam di Indonesia 1900-1942 = The modernist muslim movement in Indonesia 1900-1942
LP3ES, 1994
Buku Teks
Deliar Noer, author
Gerakan moderen Islam di Indonesia 1900-1942 = The modernist Muslim movement in Indonesia 1900-1942
LP3ES, 1982
Buku Teks
Deliar Noer, author
Gerakan moderen Islam di Indonesia 1900-1942 = The modernist muslim movement in Indonesia 1900-1942
LP3ES, 1996
Buku Teks
Deliar Noer, author
The Modernist muslim movement in Indonesia 1900 - 1942 / Deliar Noer
Oxford University Press, 1973
Buku Teks