Frak, Andre Gunder, author
Lumpen bougeoisie: lumpen development = Dependence, class, and politics in Latin America
Monthley Review Press, 1972
 Buku Teks SO
Politics of change in Latin America
Joseph Maier, Richard W.Weatherhead
F. A. Praeger, 1964
 Buku Teks
Freedom and reform in Latin America
edited by Fredrick B. Pike
University of Notre Dame Press, 1959
 Buku Teks
Frank, Andre Gunder
Lumpenbourgeoisie: lumpendevelopment, Dependence, class, and politics in latin America / Andre Gunder Frank.
Monthly Review Press, 1972
 Buku Teks
Latin America
edited by Eduardo P. Archetti
MacMillan Education, 1987
 Buku Teks
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