Wilson, J. Tuzo, author
I.G.Y. the year of the newmons
Alfred A. Knoff, 1961
 Buku Teks
Berkhout, A. J., 1940-, author
Seismic resolution: a quantitative analysis of resolving power of accoustical echo techniques
Geophysics Press, 1984
 Buku Teks
Grant, F.S., author
Interpretation theory in applied geophysics
McGraw-Hill, 1965
 Buku Teks
Sumner, J.S., author
Principles of induced polarization for geophysical exploration
Elsevier, 1976
 Buku Teks
Scheidegger, Adrian E., author
Foundations of geophysics
Elsevier, 1976
 Buku Teks
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