Kepek petangan almenak Djawi : Selami laminipun lan almenak Masehi 100 tahun : th. 1953 ngantos th. 2052
Marfiah, 1952
 Buku Teks
Hoop, Van Der
Megalithic remains in South-Sumatra / Van Der Hoop; transled by William Shirlaw
W. J. Thieme, [t. th.]
 Buku Teks
La Rose
Puing-puing kesetiaan / La Rose
Sanjaya, [t. th.]
 Buku Teks
Weyl, Hermann
The theory of groups and quantum mechnics/Hermann weyl, translate by H.P. Robertson
Dover Publications, [th..]
 Buku Teks
Djambrut Abdullah
Akuntansi metode logika jilid II/Djambrut Abdullah
Registered Public Accountant, [th..]
 Buku Teks
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