Cultural dictionary of Japan
edited by Momoo Yamaguchi and Setsuko Kojima
Japan Times, 1979
 Buku Referensi
A Cultural Dictionary of Japan = Wa-Ei Nihon bunka Jiten = 和英日本文化辞典
edited by Yamaguchi Momo
[Publisher of publication not identified], 1979
 Buku Referensi
Papinot, E., author
Historical and geographical dictionary of Japan
Charles E. Tuttle, 1972
 Buku Referensi
Sansom, George Bailey, Sir, 1883-1965, author
Japan a short cultural history
Cresset Press, 1946
 Buku Teks
Richardson, Bradley M., author
The political cultural of japan
University of California Press, 1974
 Buku Teks
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