Sardy S., author
Texture image analysis by using the similarly depedence textural transformation method
Universitas Indonesia, 1989
 UI - Disertasi (Membership)
Lamyarni I. Sardy, author
The selection of operators for image enhancement and textural analysis on mammogram for identification of several diseases
Universitas Indonesia, 1988
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Tri Hardi Priyanto, author
Texture analysis using the neutron diffraction method on the non standardized austenitic steel process by machining, annealing, and rolling
BATAN. Center of Science and Technology for Advanced Materials, 2016
 Artikel Jurnal
New method using image analysis to measure gingival color
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
 Artikel Jurnal
Muhammad Ariq Fauzan, author
Sistem pengenalan lidah perokok berbasis analisis kombinasi ciri spektral dan ciri tekstur menggunakan citra visible near infrared = Smoker's tongue recognition system based on combination of spectral feature and texture feature analysis using visible near infrared image
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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