Re-presenting the city: ethnicity, capital and culture in the 21st-century metropolis / Edited by Anthony D. King
New York University Press, 1996
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City, capital and water/ edited by Patrick Malone
Routledge , 1996
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Barnett, Jonathan, author
The fractured metropolis : improving the new city, restoring the old city, reshaping the region
Westview Press, 1995
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Reviving cities : enterprise, maritime, heritage opportunities / Edited by Azman Awang... [].
Institute Sultan Iskandar , 2000
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McAuslan, Patrick
Tanah perkotaan dan perlindungan rakyat jelata = urban land and shelter for the poor / Patrick McAuslan, alih bahasa, Canisyius Maran
Gramedia, 1986
Buku Teks