Melka Neria S., author
Pengaruh citra merek terhadap loyalitas pelanggan maskapai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia = The effect of brand image on customer loyalty of Garuda Indonesia airline
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Skripsi (Open)
Juliyana Indah Purmita Sari, author
Analisis pengaruh brand image terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada studi kasus brand Apple, the Body Shop, dan Garuda Indonesia = Analysis of brand image influence on customer loyalty in apple brand case studies the the Body Shop, and Garuda Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
Ritsah Qur`anis, author
Strategi peningkatan purchase intention pelanggan maskapai Garuda Indonesia penerbangan internasional berdasarkan faktor-faktor brand equity = Strategy to Increase customers purchase intention on Garuda Indonesia's international flights based on brand equity factors
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Lie Mikhail Efferin, author
Pengaruh dari iklan komparatif terhadap brand attitude dan brand image pada merek mobil mewah = The effect of comparative advertising towards the brand attitude and brand image of luxury cars
Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Mohamad Yusuf, author
Analisis pengaruh brand community terhadap brand loyalty pada brand pages di media sosial = Analysis of the effect of brand community towards brand loyalty on a brand pages in social media
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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