European Union law after Maastricht : a practical guide for lawyers outside the Common Market
edited by Ralph H. Folsom, Ralph B. Lake, Ved P. Nanda
Kluwer Law International, 1996
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Trade Union rights in the European internal market : the laval and viking cases
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Serafina Muryanti H., author
Tinjauan hukum internasional regulasi common customs tariff uni eropa dan dampaknya terhadap ekspor Indonesia ke negara anggaota uni eropa
Universitas Indonesia, 2006
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European business law : legal and economic analyses on integration and harmonization
edited by Richard M. Buxbaum ... [et al.]
W. de Gruyter, 1991
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McGovern, Edmond, author
International trade regulation: GATT, The United States and the European Communiny
Globefield Press, 1982
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