McKnight-Trontz, Jennifer, author
Tips menjadi popoler: How to be popular: everything you need to know, and more!
Torrent Books, 2004
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Cole, Brent, author
How to win friends and influence people in the digital age
Simon & Schuster, 2011
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Carnegie, Dale, author
How to win friends & influence people in the digital age
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2019
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Johnson, David W., 1940-, author
Reaching out: interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization
Prentice Hall Internasional, 1990
 Buku Teks
Heskell, Peta
Menjadi pribadi gaul : kiat sukses menjalin hubngan pertemanan, asmara dan profesionalisme = Flirt coach : How to flirt for riendship, love and professional success / Peta Heskell ; penerjemah, Bagaskara PJ ; penyunting, Rahajeng Desy N.R
Torrent, 2004
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