Badescu, Cristina G., author
Humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect : security and human rights
Routledge, 2012
 Buku Teks
Sherley Mega Sandiori, author
Analisis yuridis perkembangan doktrin responsibility to protect dalam hukum internasional: studi kasus: perang sipil Suriah = Legal analysis on the development of responsibility to protect doctrine in international law: case study: Syrian civil war
 UI - Skripsi Membership
The role of business in the responsibility to protect
Forrer, John J., editor; Seyle, Conor, editor
Cambridge University Press, 2016
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Principles of shared responsibility in international law : an appraisal of the state of the art
edited by Andre Nollkaemper, Ilias Plakokefals
Cambridge University Press, 2014
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Patricia Rinwigati, author
Corporate human rights responsibility: a continuous quest for an effective regulatory framework
Uppsala Universitet, 2009
 Buku Teks
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