Rees, D.F.W. van
Les mandats internationaux : les principes generaux du regime des mandats / D.F.W. Van Rees
Librarie Arthur Rouseau, 1928
 Buku Klasik
Russell, Frank M.
The Saar Battleground and pawn / Frank M. Russell
Russell And Russell, 1951
 Buku Teks
Mason, John Brown
The danzig dilemma: a study in peacemaking by compromise / John Brown Mason
Stanford University Press, 1946
 Buku Teks
Carr, Edward Hallet, author
International relations between the to world wars 1919-1939
Harver Torchbooks, 1947
 Buku Teks
Perdjandjian volkenbond
edit oleh Mohammad Hatta
Publicate-Bureau, 1937
 Buku Teks
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