Harris, Anne M.
Ethnocinema: intercultural arts education
Springer, 2012
Severinghaus, Aura E., author
Preparation for medical education : the report of the Committee on the Resurvey of Preprofessional Education in the Liberal Arts College, Association of American Medical Colleges
McGraw-Hill , 1953
 Buku Teks
Proceedings of the 1st international and interdisciplinary conference on digital environments for education, arts and heritage: EARTH 2018
Alessandro Luigini, editor
Springer Nature, 2019
Student handbook 1993 : part I, faculties of arts, commerce & economics, education and law
James Cook University of North Queensland
James Cook University, 1993
 Buku Referensi
Praktik Karakterisasi Dalam Pendidikan Seni Budaya: Perspektif Kepengaturan ; 'Characterization' as a strategy in education thhrouugh performance arts seen from foucault's govermentality
 Artikel Jurnal
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