Glioma : immunotherapeutic approaches / edited by Ryuya Yamanaka
Springer, 2012
Riana Rikanti Hakim, author
Kadar O6-metilguanin dna methyltransferase (MGMT) sebagai prediktor respon high grade glioma terhadap radiasi = O6-metilguanin dna metiltransferase (MGMT) concentration as a predictor of high grade glioma response to radiation
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis Membership
Febrial Hikmah, author
Ekspresi penanda sel punca kanker CD133 glioma manusia: hubungannya dengan keganasan, pluripotensi dan kondisi hipoksia = Expression of human glioma cancer stem cells CD133 correlation with degree of malignancy pluripotency and hypoxia / Febrial Hikmah
 UI - Tesis Membership
Pharmaceutical data mining : approaches and applications for drug discovery / edited by Konstantin V. Balakin
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Paul Kosma, editor
Anticarbohydrate antibodies: from molecular basis to clinical application
[, Springer], 2012
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