New towns as growth centres: a case study in Nigeria
 Artikel Jurnal
New Towns and the Suburban Dream ideology and utopia in planning and development
edited by Irving Lewis Allen
National University Publicatons, 1977
 Buku Teks
Firman Ardiansyah, author
The Lean Implementation in New Product Development: A Case Study of Indonesia's Financial Technology (Fintech) Start-up = Penerapan Lean Start-Up Pada Perusahaan Financial Technology (Fintech) Dalam Mengembangkan Produk Baru Di Indonesia
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
 UI - Tesis Membership
Boy Syahbana Alamsyah, author
Kepekaan tempat dan brand kota studi tentang hubungan dengan tempat dan ikatan dengan tempat di Kota Baru Bumi Serpong Damai dan Jababeka = Sense of place and city brand a study on relationship to a place and place bonding in news Towns Bumi Serpong Damai and Jababeka
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis Membership
Mulgan, Richard, author
Democracy and power in New Zealand: study of New Zealand politics
Oxford University Press, 1989
 Buku Teks
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