Pengaruh corporate tax avoidance terhadap cost of bank loan : studi pada loan perusahaan publik di Indonesia tahun 2011-2015 = The influence of corporate tax avoidance on cost of bank loan : study of public companies loan in Indonesia year 2011-2015 / Margareta Megiarsi Sebayang
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Muhammad Irham Kurniawan, author
Pengaruh penghindaran pajak terhadap tingkat kepemilikan kas perusahaan: studi empiris pada perusahaan publik Indonesia = The effect of corporate tax avoidance on the level of corporate cash holdings evidence from Indonesian public listed companies
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Saragih, Ahmad El Faruqi, author
Analisis penerapan pengaturan penanggung pajak dari wajib pajak badan berbentuk perseroan terbatas dalam hukum perpajakan Indonesia = Analysis of application of tax bearer regulations of corporate taxpayers in the form of limited liability companies in Indonesian tax law
Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Witri Fuzi Rohmati, author
Pengaruh csr performance dan csr reporting terhadap tax aggressiveness pada perusahaan yng terdaftar di BEI = The impact of csr performance and csr reporting on tax aggressiveness
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Skripsi Membership
R. Mansury, author
The Indonesian income tax: a case study in tax reform of a developing country
Asian-Pasific Tax and Investment Research Centre, 1992
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