Women and family welfare in Indonesia : a critique of the family model "man as the breadwinner"
 Artikel Jurnal
Raden Fairuz Hasna Karimah, author
Hubungan romantis: ekspresi perempuan dewasa muda terhadap interpretasi memori = Romantic relationship: the expression of the interpretation of young adult women's memories
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Tarkington, Booth, author
Seventeen : a tale of youth and summer time and the Baxter family especially William
Harper, [1946]
 Buku Teks
Anita Dwi Putri, author
Hubungan antara keberfungsian keluarga dan self-disclosure pada individu yang menjalin hubungan romantis = The correlation between family functioning and self disclosure in romantic relationship
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Hollander, Dory, author
One hundred and one lies men tell women: and why women believe them
Harper Prennial, 1995
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